A world aligned material will tile a texture according to world space rather than object space. What this means is that a world aligned material that textures multiple objects will tile itself correctly across all of the meshes, appearing as if the material is continuous in world space (instead of stopping at each UV shell seam or object if each object had a material applied that relied on object space). An example of this usage is in Destiny 2, where-in a world aligned material is applied to various rock and cliff meshes that are stretched and squashed together, but the material does not stretch or squash because it is aligned to the world space and not the object space.

The "WorldAlignedTexture" node is key to creating this type of material.

*Note: Instead of using TextureSampleParameter2d like we did with a master material, we will need to use a TextureObjectParameter to work with the WorldAlignedTexture node.

Use a Vector3 to determine the size of the texture across the XYZ space. Alternatively you could use a scalar value to proportionally stretch the texture across all 3 axis.

Use a Vector3 to determine the size of the texture across the XYZ space. Alternatively you could use a scalar value to proportionally stretch the texture across all 3 axis.

The normal map cannot use the "WorldAlignedTexture" node, instead you must use the "WorldAlignedNormal" node to properly tile a normal.

The normal map cannot use the "WorldAlignedTexture" node, instead you must use the "WorldAlignedNormal" node to properly tile a normal.