
<aside> 📢 Results are in! Tech Artist Industry Survey 2023 collected by Spencer Luebbert. You can find the results within this thread:


<aside> 🛠️ Currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION! I am adding and shifting things in the coming weeks. Nothing should break but in any case be aware. 💜



Technical Art Resource Hub

Learning and References Resources

Book Recommendations


TA tool list


What is a Technical Artist?

Technical Art Portfolio Advice (TBD)

Finding work


<aside> 💡 This resource is manually written and managed by Mathew Varkki (

It is inspired by: Game Design wiki and **We can fix it in UI**

As stated above, it is a manual task and will be an ongoing work in progress.

Additional Contributors:

Aaron Kemner (


Content usage

<aside> 🛠️ I created this notion document as a free tool so please feel free to use it and share it!

You may use, share, remix, adapt, and/or build upon any of the content found on this site in non-commercial settings, as long as done for free.

A link back to this document and/or a credit is appreciated.


Suggestion / Contribution

<aside> ✋ If you have suggestions, please provide them via [[email protected]]. Furthermore, please do not just send an uncommented link dump. Provide descriptions for each to make my life easier. Please no articles/tips that are tied to social media, as some are not accessible from the outside.

I will still choose which resources go in and not, as I see fit for this wiki. As I want to not overload it with very specific things too much redundant information.
