Substance Alchemist on Substance Academy
Introduction to Substance Alchemist
Hard Surface Issues in Alchemist
Substance Alchemist supports streamlining the material creation process. It mixes materials and supports sourcing from .sbsar and photo files. Using Substance Alchemist helps avoid going into Substance Designer to tweak colors, heights, and more (similar to revealed parameters in an engine). Alchemist supports drag and drop functionality, similar to all substance programs. Substance Alchemist was designed with artificial intelligence and has ran through Allegorithmic’s library of thousands of photos and materials.
With Substance Alchemist, you can import a material (.sbsar file from Substance Designer or Substance Source) or photo to establish a base material. Then you may import a photo source to tweak the material quickly and effectively to achieve a desired result.
The material tweaker uses parameters and layer tools similar to both Substance Designer and Photoshop.
Using photos, you can quickly create new color variations of the same material.