Static lighting (baked lighting) basically shoots light rays and asks each mesh whether it is lit or in shadow. It will save the results into a texture (a light map). To call the texture is cheaper than calling dynamic lighting (which asks this question on every tick). Dynamic lighting is expensive.
Mobility settings work the same across all light types. Mobility asks “what does this light do, change, or how can it change while the game is running?”
Using a red light we can see the effect of a stationary light change at run time.The bounce light did not change (rebake) colors with the color change at run time.
Using a red light we can see the effect of a stationary light change at run time.
The bounce lighting did not change (rebake) with the change in light color at run time.
The other aspect is that a mesh’s mobility settings should align with the lights that you want to affect that mesh. It is like an agreement between the mesh and light. Light A says “I cast light to Mesh A” and mesh A says “I receive light from Light A.”
Volume Lighting Samples allows you to visualize the light samples from various points. The light samples will impact all three types of meshes (static, stationary and movable). You can find the options in the viewport “Show” menu. Samples will only generate inside a lightmass importance volume and along the flat walls/floors.
A screenshot of the lighting samples (the grey boxes).