Running Dust Clouds

Dust clouds are a particle effect kicked up during the run animation of a character. It is a neat little effect that helps imply speed of movement. Use an Animation Notify in the animation blueprint to trigger it.

Animation Notifications (Notifies)

Animation Notify is a animation effect locator that allows you to set a frame or range for an effect to play, what particle effect to play, and the location (based on the skeleton of the mesh the effect is being attached to).

Wait A Tick!

Instead of using a tick inside of a blueprint call to activate an effect you can instead use a tick() inside of your material to do the same job for lower performance cost. Use a start time and let the material LERP itself to achieve the same effect. Awesome!

Attach Emitter to Actor

If you would like to attach a particle system or emitter to a specific actor or socket, you may use the Spawn Emitter Attached blueprint node. Shown below is a particle system "P_RuneCircle1" that spawns on a socket named ik_foot_l belonging in the skeletal set-up of "Mesh" when the "F" key is pressed and has a 90 degree rotation applied on all axes.

Courtesy cF Tempest

Courtesy cF Tempest