This process allows you to create noise textures inside of Unreal Engine, export those to Photoshop for additional editing, and reimport them for final use. For this tutorial, we will be creating a Voronoi noise texture. Let’s begin by creating a folder to contain our NoiseGen assets. In order of assets needed:
Using these three actors we will:
The settings for the Noise function.
In the Event Graph of NoiseGen_BP, create a custom event node and name it. Then create a Draw Material to Render Target node and hook the bake event into it. Set the Texture Render Target to the previously created NoiseGen_RT, and the material to your noise material.
In the Construction Script right click and call the previously created “Bake” event from the Event Graph. Save and Compile.
Once you have saved and compiled the NoiseGen_BP, your NoiseGen_RT will be outputting a texture. You may right click on NoiseGen_RT and go to Asset Actions → Export to export the texture to an .HDR file. Open that file in Photoshop.
Before we do anything with this texture in Photoshop, we need to make a couple of adjustments.