Material functions allow you to create complex materials and collapse them into a single Material Function node in the material editor. In the example below, we have:

  1. Create a MakeMaterialAttributes node that will allow a material to be created inside the function;
  2. Created an input node for the BaseColor and Normal slots;
  3. Set the Preview of the Input nodes to specific texture objects;
  4. Sent the input into a texture sample that allows it to then be sent to the MakeMaterialAttributes node, and finally output it,
  5. In the Material Function options, checked "Expose to Library" to permit using the function in a material.

To use in the final material, search for your material function and use it with Material Blend functions like below. Before you hook the blended material to the ‣, make sure to enable "Use Material Attributes" in the material's editor options.

Material Function for Common Colors

Setting up common colors to be used throughout your project and/or asset into a function is one method to maintain consistency across your scenes and project.

Color set-up courtesy of Richard Stokes

Color set-up courtesy of Richard Stokes